António Barros (Publications)
PhD University of Porto, Portugal
Professor, Collaborator PhD Researcher
Professor, Collaborator PhD Researcher
António Manuel de Sousa Barros was born in 1974 and has a 5 year degree (1997) and a master degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Universtity of Porto.
Since 2001 he has been a teacher assistant at the Department of Computer Engineering. He was researcher at the Biomedical Engineering Institute (University of Porto) from 1998 to 2001. He also worked as freelancer in the fields of electronics and computer programming. Since January 2005 he is also with the CISTER.
His interests are in real-time telecommunication systems and reliable software.
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Real-Time Software Transactional Memory CISTER-TR-180504
António BarrosPhD Thesis. 29, Apr, 2018. Porto.Jury members: - Doutor José Alfredo Ribeiro da Silva Matos, Professor Catedrático da Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (President); - Doutor Mario Aldea Rivas, Assistant Professor, Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad de Cantabria; - Doutora Audrey Queudet, Assistant Professor, Faculté des Sciences et des Techniques, Université de Nantes; - Doutor Luís Miguel Pinho de Almeida, Professor Associado da Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto; - Doutor Pedro Alexandre Guimarães Lobo Ferreira Souto, Professor Auxiliar da Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto; - Doutor Luís Miguel Rosário da Silva Pinho, Research Associate, CISTER, ISEP/IPP (Orientador).
António BarrosPhD Thesis. 29, Apr, 2018. Porto.Jury members: - Doutor José Alfredo Ribeiro da Silva Matos, Professor Catedrático da Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (President); - Doutor Mario Aldea Rivas, Assistant Professor, Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad de Cantabria; - Doutora Audrey Queudet, Assistant Professor, Faculté des Sciences et des Techniques, Université de Nantes; - Doutor Luís Miguel Pinho de Almeida, Professor Associado da Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto; - Doutor Pedro Alexandre Guimarães Lobo Ferreira Souto, Professor Auxiliar da Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto; - Doutor Luís Miguel Rosário da Silva Pinho, Research Associate, CISTER, ISEP/IPP (Orientador).
Timing Analysis of an Embedded Architecture for a Real-Time Power Line Communications Network HURRAY-TR-090301
António BarrosMaster Thesis. 23, Mar, 2009. Porto, Portugal.
António BarrosMaster Thesis. 23, Mar, 2009. Porto, Portugal.
Journal Papers
Non-preemptive and SRP-based fully-preemptive scheduling of real-time Software Transactional Memory CISTER-TR-151005
António Barros, Luis Miguel Pinho, Patrick Meumeu YomsiJournal of Systems Architecture (JSA), Elsevier. 26, Nov, 2015, Volume 61, Issue 10, pp 553-566.
António Barros, Luis Miguel Pinho, Patrick Meumeu YomsiJournal of Systems Architecture (JSA), Elsevier. 26, Nov, 2015, Volume 61, Issue 10, pp 553-566.
Conference or Workshop Papers/Talks
The EnerGAware Middleware Platform CISTER-TR-170801
Paulo Barbosa, António Barros, Luis Miguel PinhoIECON 2017. 29, Oct to 1, Nov, 2017, 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES), pp 8662-8667. Beijing, China.
Paulo Barbosa, António Barros, Luis Miguel PinhoIECON 2017. 29, Oct to 1, Nov, 2017, 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES), pp 8662-8667. Beijing, China.
Response time analysis of hard real-time tasks sharing software transactional memory data under fully partitioned scheduling CISTER-TR-160408
António Barros, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Luis Miguel Pinho11th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES 2016). 23 to 25, May, 2016. Krakow, Poland.
António Barros, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Luis Miguel Pinho11th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES 2016). 23 to 25, May, 2016. Krakow, Poland.
Non-preemptive scheduling of Real-Time Software Transactional Memory CISTER-TR-140207
António Barros, Luis Miguel Pinhothe Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS 2014). 25 to 28, Feb, 2014. Lubeck, Germany.
António Barros, Luis Miguel Pinhothe Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS 2014). 25 to 28, Feb, 2014. Lubeck, Germany.
Revisiting Transactions in Ada HURRAY-TR-110707
António Barros, Luis Miguel Pinho15th International Real-Time Ada Workshop (IRTAW-15), ACM New York. 14 to 16, Sep, 2011, 33, pp 84-92. Liébana, Spain.
António Barros, Luis Miguel Pinho15th International Real-Time Ada Workshop (IRTAW-15), ACM New York. 14 to 16, Sep, 2011, 33, pp 84-92. Liébana, Spain.
Software transactional memory as a building block for parallel embedded real-time systems HURRAY-TR-110706
António Barros, Luis Miguel Pinho37th EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA 2011), IEEE. 30, Aug to 2, Sep, 2011, pp 251-255. Oulu, Finland.
António Barros, Luis Miguel Pinho37th EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA 2011), IEEE. 30, Aug to 2, Sep, 2011, pp 251-255. Oulu, Finland.
Managing contention of software transactional memory in real-time systems HURRAY-TR-101102
António Barros, Luis Miguel Pinho31st IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2010). 30, Nov to 3, Dec, 2010, Work-In-Progress Session. San Diego, U.S.A..
António Barros, Luis Miguel Pinho31st IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2010). 30, Nov to 3, Dec, 2010, Work-In-Progress Session. San Diego, U.S.A..
A Complex Protocol Layer as a linux User-Space Process HURRAY-TR-061006
António Barros, Filipe Pacheco, Luis Miguel PinhoIEEE Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (IES’06), IEEE. 18 to 20, Oct, 2006, Work-In-Progress Session, pp 1-4. Antibes - Juan les Pins, France.
António Barros, Filipe Pacheco, Luis Miguel PinhoIEEE Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (IES’06), IEEE. 18 to 20, Oct, 2006, Work-In-Progress Session, pp 1-4. Antibes - Juan les Pins, France.
Conference or Workshop Posters/Demos
IoT for Energy-Efficiency: connecting a serious game with energy metering in the EnerGAware project CISTER-TR-170903
Paulo Barbosa, António Barros, Luis Miguel PinhoPoster presented in INForum Simpósio de Informática 2017 (INForum 2017). 12 to 13, Oct, 2017. Aveiro, Portugal.
Paulo Barbosa, António Barros, Luis Miguel PinhoPoster presented in INForum Simpósio de Informática 2017 (INForum 2017). 12 to 13, Oct, 2017. Aveiro, Portugal.
Parallelising Real-Time Software CISTER-TR-140606
Cláudio Maia, Luis Miguel Nogueira, José Fonseca, Luis Miguel Pinho, António BarrosPoster presented in CISTER 1st Industrial Workshop on Real-Time and Embedded Systems (CiWork 2013). 18, Jun, 2013. Porto, Portugal.
Cláudio Maia, Luis Miguel Nogueira, José Fonseca, Luis Miguel Pinho, António BarrosPoster presented in CISTER 1st Industrial Workshop on Real-Time and Embedded Systems (CiWork 2013). 18, Jun, 2013. Porto, Portugal.
Technical Reports
Response time analysis of hard real-time tasks with STM transactions on multi-core platforms CISTER-TR-150501
António Barros, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Luis Miguel Pinho1, May, 2015.
António Barros, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Luis Miguel Pinho1, May, 2015.