JU grant nr. 332987 ARTEMIS/0001/2012 4 years (Mar 2013 to Feb 2017) http://www.arrowhead.eu | |
Summary: | Our society is facing both energy and competitiveness challenges. These challenges are tightly linked and require new dynamic interactions between energy producers and energy consumers, between machines, between systems, between people and systems, etc. Cooperative automation is the key for these dynamic interactions and is enabled by the technology developed around the Internet of Things and Service Oriented Architectures. The objective of the Arrowhead project is to address the technical and applicative challenges associated to cooperative automation:
Funding: | Global: 67.6MEUR, CISTER: 207KEUR |
Sponsors: | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Partners: | |
Contact Person at CISTER: | Luis Lino Ferreira |
Productive 4.0/ Arrowhead Tools meeting

Book on IoT Automation
CISTER researchers Luis Lino Ferreira and Michele Albano co-authored several chapters of the book “IoT Automation: Arrowhead Framework”, which will be published in February, 2017 by CRC Press. This book presents an in-depth description of the Arrowhead Framework and how it fosters interoperability between IoT devices at service level. This Framework is structured on the SOA technology and the concept of local cloud. The objective is to provide several automation capabilities such as: real time control, security, scalability, and engineering simplicity. The Arrowhead Framework supports the realization of collaborative automation; and it is the only IoT Framework that addresses global interoperability across multiple SOA technologies and therefore enabling the design, engineering, and operation of large automation systems for a wide range of applications utilizing IoT and CPS technologies.
The book provides application examples from a wide number of industrial fields e.g. airline maintenance, mining maintenance, smart production, electro-mobility, automotive test, smart cities—all in response to EU societal challenges.
Arrowhead Project progresses
Recently, a General Meeting of the Arrowhead project took place at the High Speed Sustainable Manufacturing Institute, London. Arrowhead is the European effort to apply the Service Oriented Approach (SOA) to Embedded Systems by both streamlining the design of services, and providing a framework to support service development. The Arrowhead project is now in its last year. The meeting had the twofold goal of enabling demonstrators' owners to use the capabilities of the current implementation of the Arrowhead Framework, and to discuss the evolution of the framework.
CISTER work is converging on extending the publish/subscribe paradigm to SOA, and on QoS-as-a-Service. Michele Albano represented CISTER in the meeting and led the session on QoS. The discussion considered how QoS can be applied to orchestrate services in a local cloud, and the Arrowhead partners agreed on CISTER's proposal for an architecture supporting the QoS functionalities. Later, the discussion came to a novel topic, QoS for distributed systems obeying the "cloud of clouds" design, and the Arrowhead partners will be driven by CISTER while investigating this new research line.
ECSEL/Artemis-IA Spring Event
The ARTEMIS spring event was co-located with the CPS week in Vienna. ARTEMIS/ECSEL is an important avenue for conducting pan-European research with immense potential towards generating IP in industrial domains, a strong focus and strength of Europe.
During the event the Strategic research agenda was released and discussed. Nearly 150 participants came together to also learn about and discuss highlights of Cyber-Physical Systems projects from Horizon2020 and ARTEMIS. ECSEL projects with CISTER involvement, Arrowhead and MANTIS, were also presented. CISTER researchers Raghuraman Rangarajan and Eduardo Tovar participated in this event.
Collaboration between Arrowhead and MANTIS ECSEL projects
The Arrowhead project regards applying a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) approach to the Internet of Things (IoT) of the Factories of the Future. This project is now on its 4th and final year, and one of its main achievements is precisely the Arrowhead Framework for IoT automation applications, where CISTER researchers have been contributing important skills.
CISTER is also deeply involved in the younger (now on its 9th month) ECSEL MANTIS project, which targets proactive maintenance of industrial machines and systems, using an IoT approach.
CISTER researchers are now proactively nurturing the application of the Arrowhead Framework into MANTIS. In the last general meeting of the MANTIS project, that took place last February at Caparica, Portugal, CISTER researchers Michele Albano and Luis Lino Ferreira described and presented the Arrowhead framework and how it could be reused on the MANTIS architecture to allow an efficient design of the interaction between the embedded devices and the clouds (where data from machinery sensors is to be analysed).
Project Updates
CISTER researcher Michele Albano represented CISTER at the Arrowhead Multi-Work Package meeting on November 5th at Stockholm, whose main objective was to kick-off the activities for Generation 3 of the Arrowhead. Michele led the discussion on QoS, and paved the way for a joint development of the Orchestration and QoS functionalities of Arrowhead project. In the days before, Michele also participated in the Embedded Conference Scandinavia, where he presented the Documentation System Framework of Arrowhead project. The discussion led to a collaboration regarding the Orchestration Service of Arrowhead project, and its interrelation with QoS management in Arrowhead.
CISTER participates in ICT 2015
CISTER Researchers Luis Miguel Pinho, Luis Lino Ferreira and Raghuraman Rangarajan represented the research centre in the ICT 2015 conference. The conference, held in Lisbon, promotes European ICT Research & Innovation and presented the latest news on the European Commission's new policies and initiatives with regard to R&I in ICT and interactive exhibitions on EU projects.
The event offered an exceptional opportunity to build quality partnerships as it connected academia, research institutes, industrial stakeholders, SMEs and government actors from all over Europe. Luis Lino Ferreira also represented the Arrowhead project at its booth and was a speaker in the networking session on "IoT based automation for production", where he represented the MANTIS project.
Multiple Projects move ahead
Ramiro Robles attended the 12th Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC 1/WG 7 Sensor Networks and the associated ISO workshop in September, in Singapore. The purpose of the event was to present the DEWI project and is part of the standardization activities of DEWI (dependable embedded wireless infrastructure). The project DEWI raised lots of interest in the ISO committee, especially in the 21 use-cases of DEWI as an example of the applicability of the ISO standard.
António Barros participated in the EnerGAware project meeting held in Plymouth, UK in September. CISTER leads WP4 which addresses the deployment of an energy (electricity and gas) monitoring infrastructure to determine baseline energy consumption and, in the future, to observe effects of the game on the energy saving habits of families (under development). CISTER defined, together with Advantic Systems (energy monitoring solution provider) and DCH (social housing organisation), a technical solution addressing the diversity of electricity and gas meters in the project. The deployment of this remote monitoring infrastructure will start in November.
Researchers Michele Albano and Luis Ferreira took part in the Arrowhead Multi-Work Package meeting in September in Brussels. The event discussed the preparation of the public workshop in Stockholm in December, joint discussion on open issues of Arrowhead architecture and definition of technical goals for generation 3 of Arrowhead project. CISTER has active participation in all the above items.
David Pereira participated in the EMC2 project meeting in Vienna in September. The main objective was to report the contribution of CISTER in the various work packages, and to discuss the next steps with the upcoming second year review.
CISTER Researchers Luis Lino Ferreira, Geoffrey Nelissen, Eduardo Tovar and Luis Miguel Pinho participated in the 2015 Artemis/ITEA Co-summit held in Berlin. They were representing CISTER as members of several ongoing and finalized European projects, namely: EMC2, CONCERTO, Arrowhead, ENCOURAGE, CarCode and P-SOCRATES.
The Co-summit 2015 organized by ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking on embedded systems and ITEA, the EUREKA Cluster on software-intensive systems and services – counted about 700 participants from industry, academia, public authorities and press from all over Europe. This year's theme was: Smart Industry: Impact of Software Innovation.
During this event, Eduardo Tovar participated in the Artemis General Assembly and the election for the Artemis Steering Board as a candidate. Luis Miguel Pinho was invited to present a talk in the Speakers Corner on Mixed Criticality related to the actual status of the CISTER-lead European project P-SOCRATES. Geoffrey Nelissen represented CISTER in the CONCERTO booth and Luis Lino Ferreira was also representing CISTER in the CarCode and Arrowhead booths.
Finally, Luis Miguel Pinho and Luis Lino Ferreira, together with the ENCOURAGE project leader Arne Skou, received the achievement award for the successful finalization of the ENCOURAGE project.
Jerker Delsing, Pal Varga, Luis Lino Ferreira, Michele Albano, Pablo Puñal Pereira, Jens Eliasson, Oscar Carlsson, Hasan DerhamyChapter in "IoT Automation: Arrowhead Framework", CRC Press Publisher. Feb 2017, pp 45-91.Chapter 3
Jerker Delsing, Jens Eliasson, Michele Albano, Pal Varga, Luis Lino Ferreira, Hasan Derhamy, Csaba Hegedus, Pablo Puñal Pereira, Oscar CarlssonChapter in "IoT Automation: Arrowhead Framework", CRC Press Publisher. Feb 2017, pp 93-142.Chapter 4
Jerker Delsing, Michele Albano, Luis Lino Ferreira, Fredrik Blomstedt, Per Olovsson, Pal VargaChapter in "IoT Automation: Arrowhead Framework", CRC Press Publisher. Feb 2017, pp 143-163.Chapter 5
Michele Albano, Rodrigo Castiñeira, Chloé Desdouits, Luis Lino Ferreira, Thibaut Le Guilly, Inge Isasa, Jani Jokinen, Kaspars Kondratjevs, Nadezhda Kunicina, Lorenzo Manero, Aitor Milo, Javier Monge, Claude Le Pape, Per Pedersen, Torben Pedersen, Petur Olsen, Laurynas Siksnys, Arne Skou, Radislav Smid, Rafael Socorro, Petr Stluka, Anatolijs ZabastaChapter in "IoT Automation: Arrowhead Framework", CRC Press Publisher. Feb 2017, pp 217-252.Chapter 7
Pal Varga, Fredrik Blomstedt, Luis Lino Ferreira, Jens Eliasson, Mats Johansson, Jerker Delsing, Iker Martínez de SoriaJournal of Network and Computer Applications, Elsevier. Mar 2017, Volume 81, pp 85-95.
Michele Albano, Paulo Barbosa, José Silva, Roberto Duarte, Luis Lino Ferreira, Jerker Delsing13th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS 2017). 31, May to 2, Jun, 2017. Trondheim, Norway.
Michele Albano, José Silva, Luis Lino FerreiraDemo in 22º Seminário da Rede Temática de Comunicações Móveis (RTCM 2017). 18, Jan, 2017, Session III. Lisboa.