Vincent Nélis
Integrated PhD Researcher
Vincent Nelis received his Ph.D. degree in 2010, at the age of 25, at the Computer Science Department of the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. Since then, he has graduated 2 Ph.D. students as main supervisor (both received the highest distinction for their thesis) and one Ph.D. student as co-supervisor. He is currently the main supervisor of a third Ph.D. student and co-supervises a second Ph.D. student.
Vincent Nelis has published more than 40 papers with about 50 different co-authors in international journals, conferences, and workshops. He received 7 awards, contributed to 9 R&D projects, led a Work Package in a European FP7 STREP project, chaired 3 international workshops, and he has been member of the program committee of more than 30 international journals, conferences and workshops. Throughout his short career he has given countless presentations and attended numerous meetings, from simple collaborations with academic peers to project meetings, technical and review meetings.
Currently, his main research interest is in developing methods and tools to derive all sorts of timing estimates for applications running on multicore platforms.