
Luis Miguel Nogueira (Publications)

Luis Miguel Nogueira (Publications)

Luis Miguel Nogueira (Publications)

PhD University of Porto, Portugal
Professor, Integrated PhD Researcher

Luís Nogueira got his BSc in Computer Engenineering at the School of Engineering, Polytechnic Institute of Porto, in 2000. In 2002, got his MSc and in 2009 his PhD in Informatics (Systems and Networks) at the Faculty of Science, Univeristy of Porto. Since 2001 he is teaching assistant at the Department of Computer Engineering of the School of Engineering of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto. From 2000 to 2003 he was a researcher at NIAD&R (Distributed Artificial Intelligence & Robotics Group) of LIACC (Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science Lab), University of Porto. Now, his current research interests are in the fields of Dynamic Distributed Real-time Systems, Quality of Service and Ad-hoc Networks.

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Journal Papers
Passive Fault-Tolerance Management in Component-based Embedded Systems CISTER-TR-150505 
Luis Miguel Nogueira, Jorge CoelhoComputing and Informatics (JCAI), Slovak Academy of Sciences. 2015, Volume 35, Issue 1, pp 23-44.
Conference or Workshop Papers/Talks
Semi-Partitioned Scheduling of Fork-Join Tasks using Work-Stealing CISTER-TR-151007 
Cláudio Maia, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Luis Miguel Nogueira, Luis Miguel Pinho13th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC 2015). 21 to 23, Oct, 2015, Session W1-A: Multiprocessing and Multicore Architectures. Porto, Portugal.
Online Admission of Parallel Real-Time Tasks CISTER-TR-150701 
Cláudio Maia, Luis Miguel Nogueira, Luis Miguel Pinho6th Real-Time Scheduling Open Problems Seminar (RTSOPS 2015). 7, Jul, 2015. Lund, Sweden.
Conference or Workshop Posters/Demos
Towards the Combination of Work-Stealing and Semi-Partitioned Scheduling for Parallel Tasks CISTER-TR-151103 
Cláudio Maia, Luis Miguel Nogueira, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Luis Miguel Pinho
ABSTRACTPDFPDF Additional Files: PDFPoster
Poster presented in Work in Progress Session, 28th GI/ITG International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS 2015). 24 to 26, Mar, 2015. Porto, Portugal.