Towards the second milestone of P-SOCRATES
16, Jan, 2015

On December 5th, the partners of the European project P-SOCRATES gathered for a one-day technical meeting in Rome, Italy. The participants made significant progress in clarifying the specifics of the system model and software stack that will be presented to the reviewers at the 2nd milestone of the project, in the first quarter of 2015. The partners also evaluated their individual exploitation plan and discussed the deliverable on exploitation.
The P-SOCRATES project is researching and developing new techniques for exploiting the massively parallel computation capabilities of next-generation many-core embedded platforms in a predictable way. The project partners include the research institutions Barcelona Supercomputing Centre (Spain), University of Modena (Italy) and Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (Switzerland). The industrial partners include ATOS (Spain), Evidence (Italy) and Active Technologies (Italy). The project partners are supported by an industrial advisory board, which includes well-known multinational companies including Airbus, IBM, and Honeywell.
Besides overall coordination and technical management, CISTER/INESC-TEC is also deeply involved in the parallelism to real-time activity, leading in particular the Timing and Schedulability analysis work package.