A new visiting scholar for CISTER
15, Jan, 2015

Damien Masson, an associate professor in the Systems Engineering department (ISYS) of ESIEE Paris - a founding member of Université Paris-Est - is joining CISTER/INESC-TEC as a visiting scholar until June 2015.
Damien defended a PhD thesis on Real-Time systems in December 2008 entitled: "Non periodic events integration in real-time systems: application to the event management in the Real-Time Specification for Java". He is interested in all research topics related to real-time scheduling.
During his stay at CISTER he will be working on Embedded multi-core systems for mixed criticality applications in dynamic and changeable real-time environments.
Damien is also a member of the Gaspard-Monge computer science research laboratory (LIGM) in the LRT team.