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Arrowhead General Assembly in Lulea

6, Oct, 2013

CISTER Researcher Luis Lino Ferreira participated on the Arrowhead General Assembly and Multi-workpackage meeting, where the participants discussed the future Arrowhead common framework which will be used by all pilots. The meeting was held at Lulea University of Technology, Sweden, on the 16th of September.

Arrowhead belongs to the first group of very large Artemis AIPP projects. It has an overall budget of around 90 million Euros, involving most European countries. Besides ISEP (through CISTER), the Arrowhead project involves key European industrial players such as Acciona (SP), Airbus Operations (FR), FIAT (IT), Ford (UK), Honeywell (CZ), INDRA (SP), Infineon (AT), NXP (FR), Schneider Electric (FR), STMicroelectronics (IT), and Thales (FR).

The Arrowhead project addresses cooperative automation and is enabled by the technology developed around the Internet of Things and Service Oriented Architectures. The project will provide a technical framework adapted to such systems. Implementation and evaluation will be through through real deployments in various applicative domains: electro-mobility; smart buildings; infrastructures and smart cities; industrial production; energy production and energy virtual market.

Luis Lino Ferreira presented the work being done on task 7.1 (led by CISTER) whose goal is to define the pattern templates of Arrowhead compliant interfaces and the Arrowhead architecture.

More information at: http://www.arrowhead.eu/