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CISTER Researcher as an invited speaker in the 3rd TORRENTS Workshop

4, Feb, 2013
CISTER Researcher Miguel Pinho was an invited speaker in the 3rd TORRENTS (Time-ORiented Reliable Embedded NeTworked Systems) Workshop, which took place in Toulouse, the 14th of December. TORRENTS (http://www.irit.fr/torrents/) is a cluster that federates the activities related to time-oriented embedded systems carried out in research labs in Toulouse. The partners are ONERA, LAAS-CNRS, IRIT, ISAE and Thales.
This year's workshop was on the topic of "Parallel programming of real-time systems". Miguel presented the work which is currently being done on integrating into real-time systems the models of work-stealing scheduling and hybrid OpenMP/MPI, to tackle the increasingly parallel (too) many-cores.
The other invited speakers were Raymond Namyst (INRIA), presenting how high-performance runtimes can be used in embedded systems, Benoît Dinechin (Kalray), presenting the new MPPA embedded many-core processor which features 16 clusters of 16 cores each and Bertrand Marquis (Sysgo) presenting the issues with scheduling and certification on multi-core using PikeOS.
More information at: http://www.irit.fr/torrents/seminars/third_working_day.php