WTR 2011
13th Brazilian Workshop on Real-Time and Embedded SystemsFlorianopolis, Brasil
Homepage: http://sbesc.lisha.ufsc.br/Realtime+Systems

Deadline: 25, Jul, 2011
The Brazilian Workshop of Real-time Systems (WTR) was created with the goal of becoming a forum for discussion and joint work among researchers in the field of Real-time Systems. The first edition of WTR took place in 1998, in the city of Rio de Janeiro, jointly with the Brazilian Symposium of Computer Networks (SBRC). Since then, twelve editions of WTR already took place, all of them in a joint effort with SBRC. Throughout these years WTR has grown in terms of popularity and quality.
After being initially a Brazilian workshop, it has in recent years attracted more international participation in terms of submissions, conference attendees and Program Committee members. This year the program committee consists of some 30 renowned researchers, the majority of Brazilians and also representatives from other countries (USA, Japan, China, Mexico, Vietnam, Austria, Portugal, India, Spain, Germany, France, Italy, England, Argentina and Australia).
- Main Topics of Interest:
- Development Methodologies
- Formal Methods and Formal Verification
- Languages and Tools
- Real-time Scheduling
- Real-Time Databases
Power and Energy Management
Real-Time Middleware
Quality of Service
Sensor Networks
Fault Tolerance
CISTER's participants:
Short link for this page: www.cister.isep.pt/events/508