RTSS 2020
41st IEEE Real-Time Systems SymposiumOnline
Homepage: http://2020.rtss.org/

CISTER's organization roles:
CISTER's participants:
Conference or Workshop Papers/Talks
Work-In-Progress: a DSL for the safe deployment of Runtime Monitors in Cyber-Physical Systems CISTER-TR-201002
Giann Nandi, David Pereira, José Proença, Eduardo TovarWork in Progress Session, 41st IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2020). 1 to 4, Dec, 2020, pp 395-398. Online.
Giann Nandi, David Pereira, José Proença, Eduardo TovarWork in Progress Session, 41st IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2020). 1 to 4, Dec, 2020, pp 395-398. Online.
Work-in-Progress: Towards a fine-grain thermal model for uniform multi-core processors CISTER-TR-201004
Javier Pérez Rodríguez, Patrick Meumeu YomsiWork in Progress Session, 41st IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2020). 1 to 4, Dec, 2020, pp 403-406. Online.
Javier Pérez Rodríguez, Patrick Meumeu YomsiWork in Progress Session, 41st IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2020). 1 to 4, Dec, 2020, pp 403-406. Online.
Work-In-Progress: WCRT Analysis for the 3-Phase Task Model in Partitioned Scheduling CISTER-TR-201005
Jatin Arora, Cláudio Maia, Syed Aftab Rashid, Geoffrey Nelissen, Eduardo TovarWork in Progress Session, 41st IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2020). 1 to 4, Dec, 2020, pp 407-410. Online.
Jatin Arora, Cláudio Maia, Syed Aftab Rashid, Geoffrey Nelissen, Eduardo TovarWork in Progress Session, 41st IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2020). 1 to 4, Dec, 2020, pp 407-410. Online.
Reliability Test based on a Binomial Experiment for Probabilistic Worst-Case Execution Times CISTER-TR-201103
Luìs Fernando Arcaro, Karila Palma Silva, Rômulo Silva de Oliveira, Luís Almeida41st IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2020). 1 to 4, Dec, 2020, pp 51-62. 2576-3172, Online.
Luìs Fernando Arcaro, Karila Palma Silva, Rômulo Silva de Oliveira, Luís Almeida41st IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2020). 1 to 4, Dec, 2020, pp 51-62. 2576-3172, Online.