RTCSA 2017
23rd IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications
16, Aug, 2017 to 18, Aug, 2017
Hsinchu, Taiwan
Deadline: 14, Apr, 2017
CISTER's main roles:
Geoffrey NelissenProgram Committee
CISTER's organization roles:
CISTER's participants:
Conference or Workshop Papers/Talks
Real-Time Dense Wired Sensor Network Based on Traffic Shaping CISTER-TR-170602 João Loureiro,
Raghu R.,
Borislav Nikolic, Leandro Indrusiak,
Eduardo Tovar23rd IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA 2017). 16 to 18, Aug, 2017. Hsinchu, Taiwan. Schedulability Analysis for Global Fixed-Priority Scheduling of the 3-Phase Task Model CISTER-TR-170603 Cláudio Maia,
Geoffrey Nelissen,
Luis Miguel Nogueira,
Luis Miguel Pinho, Daniel Gracia Pérez
23rd IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA 2017). 16 to 18, Aug, 2017. Hsinchu, Taiwan.