Reinder Bril

Independent yet Tight WCRT Analysis for Individual Priority Classes in Ethernet AVB
De Technische Universiteit Eindhoven & Mälardalen University Sweden
15, May, 2018 16:40-17:40 (1 hour)
I 025, FEUP

In the high-tech and automotive industry, bandwidth considerations and widely accepted standardization are two important reasons why Ethernet is currently being considered as an alternative solution for real-time communication. Although Ethernet was originally not intended for this purpose, the development of the Ethernet AVB standard enables its use for transporting high-volume data (e.g. from cameras and entertainment applications) with latency guarantees.

The traditional busy-period analysis that ensures these latency guarantees relies on knowledge of all data streams, including interference. However, for complex industrial systems, the assumption that characteristics of all interfering data streams are known, is not realistic. As the amount of components connected to an Ethernet network grows, it becomes less likely that one can know or enforce the traffic patterns generated by all these components.

An independent real-time analysis will be presented based on so-called eligible intervals, which does not rely on any assumptions on interfering priority classes other than those enforced in the Ethernet AVB standard. The analysis is proven tight when no additional information on interference is known.

Reinder J. Bril received a B.Sc. and an M.Sc. (both with honors) from the University of Twente, and a Ph.D. from the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TU/e), the Netherlands. He started his professional career in January 1984 at the Delft University of Technology. From May 1985 till August 2004, he has been with Philips, and worked in both Philips Research as well as Philips' Business Units. He worked on various topics, including fault tolerance, formal specifications, software architecture analysis, and dynamic resource management, and in different application domains, e.g. high-volume electronics consumer products and (low volume) professional systems. In September 2004, he made a transfer back to the academic world, i.e. to the System Architecture and Networking (SAN) group of the Mathematics and Computer Science department of the TU/e. He is currently an associate professor at the TU/e and visiting professor at the Mälardalen University in Västerås, Sweden. His main research interests are in the area of reservation-based resource management for networked embedded systems with real-time constraints.

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