PAIT 2015
International Workshop on Protocols and Applications for the Internet of ThingsLondon, United Kingdom

Deadline: 10, Jan, 2015
The Internet of Things (IoT) has been emerging in the last few years as a result of the tight integration between computing and the physical world. Several technologies contributed to the birth of the IoT including wireless sensor networks, RFID systems, wireless communication technologies. However, this concept is still in early days and several challenges in what concerns networking, applications and system integration still need to be addressed. The workshop aims at providing a forum for researchers in academia and industrial to present early research outcomes on the Internet of Things that presents an added value to the state of the art of the IoT, with a particular focus on networking and applications issues. The workshop is seeking original research and position papers dealing with hot topics in IoT. Innovative and/or controversial ideas are specially sought. Papers presenting the communications aspects and key enabling technologies for IoT, especially M2M communications and networking, RFID technology and Near Field Communications (NFC).
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