JTRES 2007

5th Workshop on Java Technologies for Real-Time and Embedded Systems
26, Sep, 2007 to 28, Sep, 2007
Institute of Computer Engineering, Vienna, Austria
Homepage: http://www.vmars.tuwien.ac.at/jtres2007Outside Link
Sponsors: IFACOutside Link
Deadline: 29, Jun, 2007

Over 90 percent of all microprocessors are now used for real-time and embedded applications, and the behavior of many of these applications is constrained by the physical world. Higher-level programming languages and middleware are needed to robustly and productively design, implement, compose, integrate, validate, and enforce real-time constraints along with conventional functional requirements and reusable components.

Designing real-time and embedded systems that implement their required capabilities, are dependable and predictable, and are parsimonious in their use of limited computing resources is hard; building them on time and within budget is even harder. Moreover, due to global competition for marketshare and engineering talent, companies are now also faced with the problem of developing and delivering new products in short time frames. Therefore it is essential that the production of real-time embedded systems can take advantage of languages, tools, and methods that enable higher software productivity.

Ideally, developers should use a programming language that shields them from many accidental complexities, such as type errors, memory management, and steep learning curves. The Java programming language has become an attractive choice because of its safety, productivity, its relatively low maintenance costs, and the availability of well trained developers.

Topics of interest to this workshop include, but are not limited to:

* New real-time programming paradigms and language features

* Industrial experience and practitioner reports

* Real-time design patterns and programming idioms

* Formal models of real-time computation

* Extensions to RTSJ

* Virtual machines and execution environments

* Memory management and real-time garbage collection

* Compiler analysis and implementation techniques

* Distributed real-time Java and Java-based distributed real-time middleware

* Scheduling frameworks, feasibility analysis, and timing analysis

* High-integrity and safety critical system support

* Java-based real-time operating systems and processors

* Exploiting multi-core systems and Java

* Transactional memory and Java