Joël Goossens
Job Partitioning Strategies for Multiprocessor Scheduling of Real-Time Periodic Tasks with Restricted MigrationsUniversité Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
CISTER, Porto, Portugal
In this work, we consider the scheduling of real-time periodic tasks on multiprocessors under a restricted-migration constraint (tasks are allowed to migrate whereas jobs are not). We first propose a technique, (offline) job partitioning, which statically assigns jobs to processors before execution. We show that (offline) job partitioning strictly dominates both partitioned and restricted-migration scheduling. We then consider r-rm, a restricted-migration variant of global rm, we design a sufficient schedulability test and we provide a speedup factor for the scheduler.
Joël Goossens is Full-time Professor (Chargé de cours) at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, in the Computer Science Department (Département d'Informatique). Joël Goossens received his M.Sc. degree in computer science in 1992 (licence en informatique), his M.Sc. degree in network and management in 1993 (licence spéciale en télématique et organisation) and his Ph.D. degree in computer science in 1999 (thèse de doctorat en sciences, spécialité informatique), all from the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. He founded and he is chairing the "Parallel Architectures for Real-Time Systems" research group. He teaches algorithms and programming, real-time scheduling, operating systems. His main research interests are presently in real-time scheduling theory, real-time operating systems and embedded systems.
Auditorium, CISTER, ISEP
Rua Alfredo Allen, 535
4200-135 Porto, Portugal