8th International Conference on Event-based Control, Communication, and Signal ProcessingKrakow (+ Online), Poland
Homepage: https://ebccsp2022.org/

Deadline: 22, Apr, 2022
The past two decades have witness an upsurge in the scientific interest to harness the benefits of the event-based paradigm applied to a wide spectrum of engineering disciplines including control, communication, signal processing, and electronic instrumentation. The event-based systems, in which the system activities are triggered by events instead of progression of time, exhibit certain advantages over other approaches, such as time-triggered, for instance, in the resource-constrained applications. Specific application areas include energy-efficient control over wireless networks, energy-efficient clockless circuits and signal processing chains, bio-inspired computing architectures, or frame-free event-driven vision systems, to mention a few.
Short link for this page: www.cister.isep.pt/events/1963