Assessing Communication Strategies in C-ITS using n-Person Prisoner’s Dilemma Perspective
Ref: CISTER-TR-220601 Publication Date: 31, Aug to 2, Sep, 2022
Assessing Communication Strategies in C-ITS using n-Person Prisoner’s Dilemma Perspective
Ref: CISTER-TR-220601 Publication Date: 31, Aug to 2, Sep, 2022Abstract:
In Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems, road users and traffic managers share information for coordinating their actions to improve traffic efficiency allowing the driver to adapt to the traffic situation.
Its effectiveness, however, depends on the user’s decision-making process, which is the main source of uncertainty in any mobility system and depends on the ability of the infrastructure to communicate timely and
reliably. To cope with such a complex scenario, this paper proposes a game theory perspective based on the n-Person Prisoner’s Dilemma as a metaphor to represent the uncertainty of cooperation underlined by
communication infrastructures in traveller information systems. Results highlighted a close relationship between the emergence of cooperation and network performance, as well as the impact of the communication failure on the loss of cooperation sustainment, which was not recovered after the system was re-established.
EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence (EPIA2022).
Lisbon, Portugal.
Record Date: 3, Jun, 2022