A Framework for the Response Time Analysis of Fixed-Priority Tasks with Stochastic Inter-arrival Times
Ref: HURRAY-TR-060102 Publication Date: Jan 2006
A Framework for the Response Time Analysis of Fixed-Priority Tasks with Stochastic Inter-arrival Times
Ref: HURRAY-TR-060102 Publication Date: Jan 2006Abstract:
Real-time scheduling usually considers worst-case values for the parameters of task (or message stream) sets, in order to provide safe schedulability tests for hard real-time systems. However, worst-case conditions introduce a level of pessimism that is often inadequate for a certain class of (soft) real-time systems. In this paper we provide an approach for computing the stochastic
response time of tasks where tasks have inter-arrival times described by discrete probabilistic distribution functions, instead of minimum inter-arrival (MIT) values.
Published in ACM SIGBED Review, ACM SIGBED, Volume 3, Issue 1.
Notes: Also available online at http://www.cs.virginia.edu/sigbed/vol3_num1.html.
Record Date: 1, Jan, 2006
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