EditImplementation of the Interpolation Scheme
Implementation of the interpolation scheme for an embedded computer platform named ATDVK90CAN1.
At pre-runtime, nodes are statically assigned their coordinates, then nodes
perform an interpolation repeatedly. Every time a new interpolation is made, one node connected to
a desktop computer sends the set of points selected to a visualization application via the serial port.
This is C code, developed with AVR Studio 4.13 b528 and using Atmel's Software Library, with these modifications applied.
EditVisualization Tool
Visualization application that receives the interpolation points via the serial port. Based on the interpolation points received, this application then constructs a visual representation of the interpolation in 3D.
This is a Windows executable. Glax and the MSComm Control are necessary to run this application.
EditInterpolation of Sensor Data in 2D
Implementation of a simulation for the interpolation of sensor data in 2D designed to exploit WiDOM.
This C source code generates matlab .m files for generating the data plots of the interpolation.