
On the Development of a Test-Bed Application for the ART-WiSe Architecture
Ref: HURRAY-TR-060705       Publication Date: 5 to 7, Jul, 2006

On the Development of a Test-Bed Application for the ART-WiSe Architecture

Ref: HURRAY-TR-060705       Publication Date: 5 to 7, Jul, 2006

The ART-WiSe (Architecture for Real-Time communications in Wireless Sensor Networks) framework aims at the design of new communication architectures and mechanisms for time-sensitive Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). We adopted a two-tiered architecture where an overlay Wireless Local Area Network (Tier 2) serves as a backbone for a WSN (Tier 1), relying on existing standard communication protocols and commercial-off-the-shell (COTS) technologies – IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee for Tier 1 and IEEE 802.11 for Tier 2. In this line, a test-bed application is being developed for assessing, validating and demonstrating the ART-WiSe architecture. A pursuit-evasion application was chosen since it fulfils a number of requirements, namely it is feasible and appealing and imposes some stress to the architecture in terms of timeliness. To develop the testbed based on the previously referred technologies, an implementation of the IEEE 8021.5.4/ZigBee protocols is being carried out, since there is no open source available to the community. This paper highlights some relevant aspects of the ART-WiSe architecture, provides some intuition on the protocol stack implementation and presents a general view over the envisaged test-bed application.

Ricardo Severino
Emmanuel Lomba
André Cunha
Anis Koubâa
Mário Alves

18th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS’06), WIP Session.
Dresden, Germany.


Record Date: 1, Jul, 2006