An ETSI ITS-Compliant Formation Protocol to Support Long Heterogeneous Platoons
Ref: CISTER-TR-230404 Publication Date: 26 to 28, Apr, 2023
An ETSI ITS-Compliant Formation Protocol to Support Long Heterogeneous Platoons
Ref: CISTER-TR-230404 Publication Date: 26 to 28, Apr, 2023Abstract:
As penetration of autonomous technology grows, vehicular platooning also becomes a reality with clear benefits on efficiency and traffic management. One can consider that platoons may grow to arbitrary lengths, limited solely by the ability of achieving reliable end-to-end communication. We introduce the Long Heterogeneous Platoon (LHP) protocol, meant to handle very long platoons composed of vehicles with different characteristics and facilities. It creates autonomous sub-units, sub-platoons, that facilitate platoon maneuvers and internal communication. Coordination is achieved by newly proposed ETSI ITS-compliant messages or containers; a key message is the Platoon Management Message. In this paper, we describe the platoon formation and subplatoon creation procedures of the LHP protocol.
IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC) (IEEE VNC 2023), S3.
Istanbul, Türkiye.
Record Date: 19, Apr, 2023