Definitive Workshop Program

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Day1September 6, Wednesday


Opening Session

Coffee Break

Internet and Emerging Technologies
10:25-12:30 - Session Chair: Filipe Pacheco, ISEP, Portugal

A Framework for Fieldbus Management Using XML Descriptions
M. Wollschlaeger (Germany)

Distributed Supervision and Control of Fieldbus-Based Industrial Processes
P. Martí, J. C. Aguado, F. Rolando, M. Velasco, P. Colomar and J. M. Fuertes (Spain)

A New Approach for Java in Embedded Networks
W. Kastner and C. Krugel (Austria)

Security Considerations for FAN-Internet connections
P. Palensky and T. Sauter (Austria)

The Java CAN API - A Java Gateway to Fieldbus Communication
D. Buhler and G. Nusser (Germany)


Day 1 Invited Talk
14:00-15:00 - Session Chair: Richard Zurawsky, JSISA, USA

The Real-Time Specification for Java: Technical Overview
Greg Bollella, IBM (USA)

CAN Networks
15:10-16:50 - Session Chair: Christer Norstrom, MRTC, Sweden

Accounting for Clock Frequency Variation in the Analysis of Distributed Factory Control Systems
W. Henderson, D. Kendall and A. Robson (UK)

MUST: a Quasi-Round Robin Access Scheme for CAN Networks
G. Cena, A. Valenzano (Italy)

Combining Event-Triggered and Time-Triggered Traffic in FTT-CAN: Analysis of the Asynchronous Messaging System
P. Pedreiras and L. Almeida (Portugal)

Integrating Inaccessibility in Response Time Analysis of CAN Networks
L. Pinho, F. Vasques and E. Tovar (Portugal)

Coffee Break

Work-in-Progress Session #1
17:20-18:30 - Session Chair: Luís Almeida, U. Aveiro, Portugal

A Simulation Environment for EIA-709.1/IP Routers
S Soucek, D Loy, TUWien / Coactive Networks, Inc (USA)

Evaluation of Real-Time Capability of IEEE1394 for industrial automation
N Stampfl, TU Wien (Austria)

Ethernet as a Real-Time Network in a High Performance Distributed Remote Terminal Unit
Rogerio Paulo et al., EFACEC (Portugal)

A Star Topology to Improve CAN Performance
G Cena, A Valenzano, Politecnico di Torino (Italy)

Real-time and Performance Aspects of ANSI/EIA-709.1 Networks
A Bauer, P Roessler, TU Wien (Austria)

PSCoP, A Planning Scheduler Co-processor
E Martins, P Neves, J Fonseca, University of Aveiro (Portugal)

Systematic Scheduling method for Messages and Tasks in Distributed Control Systems
H S Park, H Y Kim, W J Kang, Kangwon National University (Korea)

Day2September 7, Thursday

Industrial Experience and Practices #1

Introduction to DeviceNet Safety
K. Vandesteeg, D. Vasko, J. Lenner (USA) and V. Schiffer (Germany)

Embedded Internet Technology in Process Control Devices
J. Szymanski (France)

Experience with Distributed Control Systems in Small Printing Machines
Bernhard Plagemann (Germany)

Coffee Break

Real-Time Communication
10:20-11:35 - Session Chair: Marga Marcos, UPV/EHU, Spain

Design and Analysis of RT-Ring: a Protocol for Supporting Real-Time Communications
M. Conti, L. Donatiello and M. Furini (Italy)

A Comparison of LIN and TTP/A
H. Kopetz, W. Elmenreich and C. Mack (Austria)

An Application Layer for using Firewire in industrial applications
P. Dallemagne and L. Ruiz (Switzerland)

11:45-13:00 - Session Chair: Françoise Simonot-Lion, LORIA, France

Prototyping QoS based Architecture for Power Plant Control Applications
C. Lizzi, L. Bacon, E. Becquet and E. Gressier-Soudan (France)

How to Build a Timely Computing Base using Real-Time Linux
A. Casimiro, P. Martins and P. Veríssimo (Portugal)

Fine Real-Time Processing in Distributed Systems
T. Yakoh, H. Sato and T. Aoyama (Japan)


Day 2 Invited Talk
14:30-15:30 - Session Chair: Eduardo Tovar, ISEP, Portugal

Networked Fieldbus Systems
Dietmar Dietrich, Vienna University of Technology (Austria)

Fault-Tolerant Communication
15:40-16:55 - Session Chair: Michael Mock, GMD, Germany

Adding Fault Tolerance Mechanisms to Interbus-S
S. Cavalieri and S. Monforte (Italy)

Physical Layer Redundancy Method for Fault-Tolerant Networks
J. M. Lee, Y. S. Kim, H-J. Moon and W. H. Kwon (S. Korea)

Integrating Reliability and Timing Analysis of CAN-based Systems
H. Hansson, C. Norstrom and S. Punnekkat (Sweden)

Coffee Break

Work-in-Progress Session #2
17:20-18:30 - Session Chair: Thilo Sauter, TU-Wien, Austria

Influence of Roaming on Real-Time Traffic in Wireless Networks
A El-Hoiydi, F Dallemagne, CSEM (Switzerland)

Study of a Wireless Local Area Network Designed for Remote Monitoring of Mobiles
E Jacquet, A Freitas, M Milsson, IUT de Aubier (France)

Graphic LOTOS Specification of an EN50254 System
L Durante, R Sisto, A Valenzano, Politecnico di Torino (Italy)

Running Distributed Applications Using MMS-CORBA
T Ariza, F R Rubio, University of Sevilla (Spain)

KEDI-Project: Creating the Automation Architecture with the Common Fieldbus Design Tool
J Hintikka, T Runtti, M Puurunen, VTT Electronics (Finland)

Engineering of Distributed Control Systems
R Simon, M Riedl, IFAK (Germany)

Representation of Data in Industrial Systems Using STEP - a case study
C Raibulet, C Demartini, Politecnico di Torino (Italy)

Day3September 8, Friday

Industrial Experience and Practices #2

Radio Communication in Automation Systems: the R-Fieldbus Approach
J. Haehniche, Lutz Rauchhaupt (Germany)

Measurement, Analysis and Modeling of Real-Time Source Data Traffic in Factory Communication Systems
J. Jasperneite and P. Neumann (Germany)

A Real Time, Object Oriented Fieldbus Management System.
O. Nielsen (Denmark)

Coffee Break

Modelling and Simulation
10:25-12:30 - Session Chair: Guy Juanole, LAAS, France

On the Analysis and Simulation of Temporal Behaviour of Real Time Distributed Systems using PROFIBUS
M. Marcos, A. F. López and D. Orive (Spain)

Performance Evaluation of a Multiple Networked in-Vehicle Embedded Architecture
P. Castelpietra, Y-Q. Song, F. Simonot-Lion and O. Cayrol (France)

Tool Support for Evaluating Temporal Characteristics of Industrial Protocols
C. Pereira, L. Becker, M. Gotz, R. Wild and R. Husemann (Brazil)

A Distributed Simulator for large Networks used in Building Automation Systems
R. Hunstock, S. Rüping and U. Rückert (Germany)

Adaptative Timed Tests for Temporal Interoperability Verification
L. Kaiser and F. Simonot-Lion (France)


Wireless & Ethernet Networks
14:00-15:40 - Session Chair: Jean-Dominique Decotignie, CSEM, Switzerland

Analysis and comparison of different interconnection solutions for switched ethernet networks
L. Lo Bello and O. Mirabella (Italy)

Measurements in Switched Ethernet Networks used for Automation Systems
E. Vonnahme, S. Rüping and U. Rückert (Germany)

Bluetooth in industrial environment
U. Bilstrup and P-A. Wiberg (Sweden)

Evaluating a wireless real-time communication protocol on Windows NT and WaveLAN
M. Mock, S. Schemmer and E. Nett (Germany)

Scheduling Algorithms

Heuristic techniques for allocating and scheduling communicating periodic tasks in distributed real-time systems
S. Faucou, A-M. Déplanche and J-P. Beauvais (France)

Jitter Minimisation with Genetic Algorithms
F.Coutinho, J. Fonseca, J. Barreiros and E. Costa (Portugal)

Fieldbus Networks: Real-Time from the Perspective of the Application Tasks
A. Mendes, L. Ferreira and E. Tovar (Portugal)

The Static Polytope and its applications to a Scheduling Problem
K. Subramani and A. Agrawala (USA)

Coffee Break

Closing Session

Preliminary program subject to change without previous notice